Everything is not finished for the exterior fittings of the farm in Spirulina, but 80% of the infrastructures are built and the first 3 basins are producing. Of course we are not yet at the TOP of quality, but we are almost there and in a few months time the objectives will be reached.
Currently, we harvest every two days, 6 grams per square meter, the microbiological analyses are good for a product that we want to be 100% organic, free of pesticides and synthetic manures.
Surface skimming and filtration, Spirulina before being pressed and dried in the ambient air.
This microalgae feeds, like all other plants, therefore we bring daily, depending on the growth of spirulina, natural manures, Nitrogen (bat guano), Phosphate (bone powder) and Potash (potassium chloride), all available on this fantastic island of Madagascar.
With 70% spring water and 30% coming directly from the sea, this brackish water brings all the mineral salts and trace elements that we wish to find in this food supplement, so before long it will be an exceptional organic vintage!

Spiruline 1  Spiruline 2