Specializing in reforestation, agroforestry and the restoration of biodiversity, EcoFormation designs and carries out projects for sustainable development in the interest and with the local communities.
Team EcoFormation
- Philippe Dubois
- Prof. Dr. Balz Gfeller
- Christophe Darbord
- Marie Nomena Allimant
- Léo Gilliard
- Ariane Bouillet
Philippe Dubois, MSc in Agriculture, MBA, is an entrepreneur with extensive experience in business organisation and management, building of efficient teams within companies such as Nespresso and Eden Spring. Philippe has led various reengineering and development projects in Africa, Asia and Europe with coffee, cacao and water for agribusiness industries. Philippe has implemented and he is managing the project of reforestation in Madagascar, he is expert at the United Nations. Philippe is the President of the Foundation Council.
Direct contact: phdubois@ecoformation.org
Prof. Dr. Balz Gfeller, EPFZ Forest Engineer, is a scientist and leader in the research and development of forestry, agro forestry and biodiversity projects. Balz initiated many projects in Africa, Latin America and Asia, where he implemented professional training programs for foresters and carpenters. He is a professor at the Specialised High School in Bern, the Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich and Lausanne and the University of Antananarivo in Madagascar. Balz is the Foundation’s president of honor.
Christophe Darbord, MBA, is an entrepreneur in the commodity fund and private-equity industry with a deep experience in physical and derivatives trading, risk management and asset acquisitions, obtained within companies such as Pricewaterhouse, Cargill and Bunge. Christophe managed strategic units and has been exposed to commodities with focus on the Energy spectrum. As business leader, Christophe has been active in many countries across the different continents. Christophe is a member of the Foundation Council.
Direct contact: christophe.darbord@ecoformation.org
Marie Nomena Allimant, MSc in Finance and Management Controlling. After her studies in Paris and various contracts with accountancy firm, Marie has been an internal auditor for the World Bank. Later, Marie has conceptualised and developed agricultural, environmental and social reforestation projects. As Management Controller, Marie is in charge of the audit and the operations in Madagascar. Marie is a member of the EcoFormation Foundation Council.
Leo Gilliard, MA in International Relations and European Studies, brings experience in questions of environmental governance and climate policy. Also working as a political advisor at WWF Switzerland, Leo joined EcoFormation after past experiences at the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva and at the Swiss Embassy in Chile. Leo is in charge of the communication, PR and fundraising. He is member of the Foundation Council.
Direct contact: leo.gilliard@ecoformation.org
After completing a Master in Law (LLM) in Paris, Ariane started a curriculum in political science at the University of Lausanne that she is currently finishing. She is in charge of the legal work of the Foundation, including the partnership agreements.
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